
EV Charging Stations are a central service for local residents and tourists. Local Governments can benefit from a greener transport future. Everty will help manage the entire implementation process to guarantee the right EV charging solution for you.

Why you need to make the move and install EV charging stations

EVs will make up 10% of all Australian cars by 2025

The Australian Government is funding fast charging EV stations around Australia*

54% of Australians will consider an EV as their next vehicle**

Investing in EV charging stations will increase tourists in your area

The benefits of charging infrastructure

Be prepared for the change to EV mobility

Forecasts project EVs will account for 30% of new car sales by 2030***, it is imperative to be ready for the influx of EVs to your government area. State and local governments are not only transitioning their own fleets but increasingly considering the provision of public charging stations, ensure your government is doing the same.

Attract tourists to your area

By supporting EV charging, councils can attract tourists. When you install public EV charging stations, drivers who need to recharge will stop in your area, and while they wait, they will enjoy the local sights and offerings of your town’s businesses.

Increase your eco status and revenue

People prefer councils and governments that are environmentally friendly. By providing EV charging stations, you’ll create revenue opportunities as well as increased support from residents.

EV adoption is directly proportional to charging infrastructure

By supporting the adoption of EVs in the community as well as incorporating them into your fleet, the need for EV charging stations will increase. Highlight the many sustainable and cost-effective benefits of Electric Vehicles in order to speed the transition to EVs amongst local residents and businesses.

Our Projects

Lake Macquarie City Council
